author_ Tim

Writing (at) Utah

  The film above is edited from footage we shot in Normandy this summer, around a screenplay I’ve been writing called Utah. I’ve been writing it for about 7 years now, on and off. Well I say ‘writing’. It’s mostly been heavy research and worrying. Then last July, a sudden two-week burst of frantic typing…. Read more »

What The Found Sound 2: Barcelona 2014

We welcome your ears to the second What The Found Sound, where we delve into bits of our sound archive we’ve most likely forgotten about, and liveblog our reactions. A few footnotes at the bottom of the page, but otherwise what you see is what it was. For best results: press play, and read the conversation…… Read more »

What The Found Sound 1: Prague 2004

Hello and welcome to What The Found Sound, where we delve into bits of our sound archive we’ve most likely forgotten about, and liveblog our reactions. A few footnotes at the bottom of the page, but otherwise what you see is what it was. For best results: press play, and read the conversation… notes Recording… Read more »

Why not / because usually / what else

  Oh hello. Well, a while back you might have seen Rupert Christiansen’s Telegraph blog on the subject of women in theatre. If not, here it is: I’m not going to get rude about Mr Christiansen’s opinion. I don’t know the guy, and there’s enough rudeness on your internet already. If you’ve come here… Read more »

Writing Dark Land Light House

  How I’m writing Dark Land Light House: – In 2008 we outlined a story. A sci-fi horror set on a lighthouse in space. It was meant for radio at first. – Then we thought about it as a film for a while. We decided it wouldn’t quite work. Or we couldn’t quite afford it…. Read more »

Here is some music

Here is some music from the world(s) of Sleepdogs. It was made some time ago. By clicking below you can make sounds happen from the internet and reach your ears, as long as the volume on your computer is turned up, or you have some headphones, I don’t know. Maybe you’ve got some headphones. Sometimes… Read more »


To be clear, I made this chart for myself…     (Click image for full-size readability fun.) I’ve been getting back into the frame of mind where I’m writing theatre for other people to produce. And I kept having to ask: why am I returning to these old structures / methods / mistakes? So I… Read more »