tags_ Dark Land Light House

Dark Land Light House: Influences

We’re right on the brink of starting Dark Land Light House rehearsals now, and as everything’s starting to focus in on the detailed stuff, I thought it might be good to remind myself about the more intangible textures, aesthetics and ideas – the excitement and fascination – that have kept me and Tim hardwired to… Read more »

DLLH: Influences 4 > FULL ON THEATRE

This is part of a series of blogs about influences on Dark Land Light House. Elevator Repair Service: The Sun Also Rises I was giving a lecture to a student group recently, and talked about the integrated interdisciplinary process of developing DLLH. One of the students asked me the question: how do you balance this interdisciplinary… Tanuja /


This is part of a series of blogs about influences on Dark Land Light House.   Again, Alien is a big influence in terms of fear and psychological horror. As are HP Lovecraft’s paranoid stories of ancient, unknowable, terrifying things. I best first get out the way that yes, Lovecraft was a massive racist and no… Tanuja /


This is part of a series of blogs about influences on Dark Land Light House.   [N.B. this posts includes a few minor spoilers about the Alien film series] DLLH is definitely existential science-fiction rather than space opera. I’ll happily leave the intergalactic warfare and er, trade negotiations to JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson (…FOR NOW)…. Tanuja /

DLLH: Influences 1 > MUSIC

This is part of a series of blogs about influences on Dark Land Light House. Ben Frost at Sonar 2014 For me and Tim, sound and music are often built into the foundation of our ideas. Tim’s already written about how experiments with sound design gave him the way in to writing the script. More… Tanuja /

Dark Land Light House: Double Exposures

So if all (i.e. funding) goes to plan, we’ll be making Dark Land Light House next Spring. I cannot tell you how soul-quakingly exciting that feels. As Tim’s already talked about, we’ve been working on this idea in various forms and guises since 2008, and it feels properly primed to explode right now. Whilst we’re… Read more »

Writing Dark Land Light House

  How I’m writing Dark Land Light House: – In 2008 we outlined a story. A sci-fi horror set on a lighthouse in space. It was meant for radio at first. – Then we thought about it as a film for a while. We decided it wouldn’t quite work. Or we couldn’t quite afford it…. Read more »