tags_ getting it wrong

Feeling Being

Last year I was lucky enough to be awarded an Industry Fellowship on the Bristol & Bath Creative Cluster Expanded Performance programme. Yeah, it’s a mouthful… Basically it meant I was part of a group of people researching the potential of live performance in conjunction with creative technologies. I’ve been pushing at the door of… Read more »

26 Years of Babel’s Cupid

So my play Babel’s Cupid has just been announced as one of the three runners-up for the Yale Drama Series Prize 2021. Over the moon, me. Many thanks to judge Paula Vogel and Yale Drama Series, and huge congratulations to the winner Rachel Lynnet, as well as my fellow runners-up Molly Bicks and Francisco Mendoza…. Read more »

Breaking theatre is more fun than making theatre

The peeps at the Watershed Pervasive Media Studio invited me to do a lunchtime talk for them over summer. I’ve been banging on forever about how the theatre industry (and wider arts/creative worlds tbh) would be much more open and connecting if we were better at welcoming, recognising and getting excited by diverse artistic identities,… Read more »

“A man’s gotta have a code.”

Last year, Tim and I wrote an Ethical Policy for Sleepdogs*. I’ve been meaning to post it up for months, and today it feels like my non-negotiable duty to share anything that stands up for y’know, taking responsibility for how we act. Funny that when I was thinking what to call this post, it was… Read more »

What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Power

  [EDIT, 2021. This post from 2018 contains positive thoughts and reflections on the practice of Chris Goode, who at the time was horrendously abusing many people involved in his work, and beyond. Apart from this note, I’ve left this post unedited. If there were any indicators of this abuse that I might have seen,… Read more »

Chipping at the hard stuff: honesty / (in)visibility / community / career

Last Saturday, I spent the day with our brilliant friend and collaborator Sharon Clark, and wor Tim, in the Residence space, for a day of peer mentoring / problem solving / critical reflection. I’ve done a lot of one-to-one peer mentoring, which is super useful, but I loved how this three-pointed process seemed to open… Read more »

Thought Residency #1: Impossible Thought

We had a conversation with MAYK a little while back, which went something like this: Team MAYK: “Some colleagues in Canada do this thing called Thought Residencies. We talked to them about us trying it out in the UK. Do you want to do a Thought Residency? No pressure.” Team Sleepdogs: “Er, ok. Why not?… Read more »

Wrong kind of Asian, wrong kind of work

When I was kid, I dreamed of being a film star (obviously). And in those fantasies, I pictured my adult film star self as having white skin. This didn’t at the time strike me as weird or odd in any way. It was a fantasy. She wasn’t actually me. She had her own name and… Read more »

A humble request to theatre critics

(Author’s note: I am, occasionally, a theatre critic.)   Please do not use the phrase ‘self-indulgent.’ It will almost always be factually incorrect. You’re perfectly entitled to use the word ‘indulgent’, as long as you go on to clarify what is being indulged. But ‘self’-indulgent? Unless you’re very well acquainted with the creators: how the… Read more »