This is part of a series of blogs about influences on Dark Land Light House. Again, Alien is a big influence in terms of fear and psychological horror. As are HP Lovecraft’s paranoid stories of ancient, unknowable, terrifying things. I best first get out the way that yes, Lovecraft was a massive racist and no…
Tanuja /
This is part of a series of blogs about influences on Dark Land Light House. [N.B. this posts includes a few minor spoilers about the Alien film series] DLLH is definitely existential science-fiction rather than space opera. I’ll happily leave the intergalactic warfare and er, trade negotiations to JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson (…FOR NOW)….
Tanuja /
The film above is edited from footage we shot in Normandy this summer, around a screenplay I’ve been writing called Utah. I’ve been writing it for about 7 years now, on and off. Well I say ‘writing’. It’s mostly been heavy research and worrying. Then last July, a sudden two-week burst of frantic typing…. Read more »